
Cyber Security Products

Our cutting-edge cyber security products solve multidimensional challenges faced by law enforcement agencies, security and defense establishments. Cyber space is considered to be 5th dimension of warfare and is much more complex than traditional battlefields of air, land, sea and space. There have been many instances observed by the national security agencies where this space has been utilized against the national interest by internal and external anti-national elements.


E-Commerce Security

Today, consumers wish to carry the shopping store in their pockets which is made possible with the advent of e-commerce, m-commerce and smart phones. E-commerce industry is undoubtedly rising at a torrid pace involving online transactions and maintaining confidential records of the consumers. Security breach costs much higher to this industry than any other due to the nature of business which is mainly backed by the customer trust. One serious breach can lead to entire business shutdown, as the consumers don't take a risk of performing monetary transactions with a vulnerable e-commerce platform, making e-commerce security mandatory for the business instead of an option.


Network Penetration Testing

Our expertise and past experience in penetration testing makes us trusted penetration testing partner. By utilizing our penetration testing services, an organization can baseline its current security posture, identify threats and weaknesses, and start implementing remediation strategies. By identifying risk exposures and highlighting what resources are needed to correct them, we provide not only the basis for a security action plan, but also the compelling events, due diligence and partner interface protocols necessary to establish information security as a key corporate initiative.

Network Access Control

Network Access Control is a comprehensive approach towards achieving the enhanced computer network security. It helps to avert from security threats such as host intrusion, threat vulnerability and anti-virus threats. There are organizations that are employing 'Bring Your Own Device' culture (BYOD) has numerous benefits such as it boosts the employee productivity and satisfaction.